Downloading Files From the Internet

To download a file is to copy it from a computer on the Internet to your computer. To upload a file is to copy it from your computer to a computer on the Internet.

Browsers can only download files. Programs called FTP (file transfer protocol) programs can download and upload files.

Files are transferred on the Internet using HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol). You click in a certain spot, and your browser sends a command to the server the file is stored on, asking for that file to be copied to your computer. It is a good idea to create a folder on your hard disk especially for files you are getting from the Internet.

Downloading Files

  1. To download a file, follow the steps below:

  2. Find a page that has a link to the file you want to download.

  3. SHIFT+click on a link to the file. This link often says "download" or is the name of a computer program.

  4. Your browser asks you want to do with the file. Usually you save it to a location on your hard disk. Tell your browser where to save the file.


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