Hidden Taskbar
It is possible to hide the taskbar so it is not visible.
- Click right on the taskbar.
- Select Properties from the shortcut menu that appears. The following screen will appear.
- Click next to the Auto Hide option so it is selected (has a tick next to it).
- Click on Apply and then on OK.
The taskbar will disappear from the screen. To see the taskbar move your mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen and the taskbar will pop back into view.
To restore the taskbar to being always visible, follow the steps below.
- Click right on the taskbar.
- Select Properties from the shortcut menu that appears.
- Click next to the Auto Hide option so it is deselected (has no tick next to it).
- Click on Apply and then on OK.
The other way of hiding the taskbar is to drag it off the screen. If this happens you have to drag it back on to the screen to see it again.
To drag the taskbar off the screen:
- Move your mouse pointer to the top of the taskbar. It will change into a black double headed arrow.
It is possible to hide the taskbar so it is not visible.
- Click on the taskbar, hold down the mouse button and drag the taskbar down off the bottom of the screen.
It is possible to hide the taskbar so it is not visible.
- The taskbar will have vanished. The only indication of where the taskbar is, is a thin grey line along the bottom of the screen.
It is possible to hide the taskbar so it is not visible.
To restore the taskbar:
- Move your mouse pointer to the grey bar at the bottom of the screen. The mouse pointer will change to a black double headed arrow.
It is possible to hide the taskbar so it is not visible.
- Click on the grey bar and drag the taskbar upward back on to your screen.
It is possible to hide the taskbar so it is not visible.