Formatting Text - Alignment

To change the alignment of your text:

Select the paragraph of text you wish to change. Note that changing the text alignment will effect the entire paragraph, and not just a line out of it.

Click on one of the alignment buttons on the Formatting toolbar. The different alignments are shown below.

Your paragraph will be aligned as you have selected.


Examples of Alignments

Left Aligned

Once upon a time, a long time ago in a far away land, lived a little girl called Cinderella. She lived with her father, a wealthy merchant, in a beautiful house. They were all very happy together.

Centre Aligned

One day her father married again. Cinderella's new stepmother had two ugly daughters of her own. The Stepmother hated Cinderella because Cinderella was prettier than the Stepmother's own two daughters. She took away all Cinderella's pretty things and made her work in the kitchen.

Right Aligned

It was time for the prince of the land to get married. He sent out invitations to all the ladies in the land for a ball at the palace. Cinderella's step sisters and stepmother where very excited when they received the invitation.


Cinderella's Stepmother and her daughters spent all day getting ready for the ball. They laughed at Cinderella when she asked to go, and made her work harder than ever. Eventually they drove away in a fine carriage, with pretty clothes and ugly faces.


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