Downloading Programs

This is similar to downloading files. Follow the steps for downloading files but be aware of the extra information below.

Zip files are compressed files. They end with .zip. If the program is a zip file it has to be unzipped (decompressed) before you can use it. To do this you need another program.

Decompressing Programs with Windows

To decompress programs with windows you need the program WinZip (you can use other programs if you wish). WinZip can be downloaded from the web:

  1. Go to the address You will see a page of icons.

  2. Click on the icon marked Download Evaluation. This takes you to the download page.

  3. Download the appropriate version of WinZip for your computer.

Once you have downloaded WinZip, you have to install it.

  1. Run the program (eg Winzip95.exe)

  2. Follow the installation instructions.

Decompressing Programs with Macs

The most popular compression program for Macintoshes is called StuffIt. This is a shareware program. There are versions available that you can buy in the shops. For decompressing StuffIt files, the freeware programs UnStuffIt and StuffIt Expander are available.

StuffIt files end with .sit


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