Changing the Time Display on the Taskbar

This is where you decide how you want the time displayed in the clock on the task bar.

  • You can present the time in different formats.

  • Select what format you want to have the time in and type this format into the Time Style box. For example, if I wanted 24 hour time, with hours and minutes but no seconds, and zeroes before the single digit numbers (07 for 7 minutes etc) I would type in HH:mm.
  • If you want to have symbols for AM and PM appear next to your twelve hour clock, type the symbols (for example am and pm) in the fields AM Symbol and PM Symbol. You need to have t or tt at the end of your time style for these symbols to appear in the clock on the taskbar.
  • Check how the time on the taskbar appears. Click on Apply and look at the time again. It should have changed to reflect your selected format (seconds will not be displayed).
  • Click on the Date, Currency and Number tabs and review the formats shown here. Make any changes you feel necessary. For example, on the Number tab you might want to separate your numbers by spaces instead of commas.
  • When you have finished, click on Apply.
  • You will be asked if you want to restart your computer. Answer Yes.
  • Once your computer has restarted, the format of your date, times etc will match what was shown in the Regional Settings Properties dialog box.

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